
Major NHS public websites unheard of

A new study to better understand what prevents people from using information technology to help them manage their health and
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500m mHealth users predicted by 2015

Smartphone applications will enable the mHealth industry to reach 500m Smartphone users by 2015, a new report by German firm
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NHS PHR HealthSpace fails to deliver

Patients have found the government’s personal health record project HealthSpace neither useful nor easy to use and only a tiny
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Telecare essential to ‘re-enablement’

The government has highlighted the importance of using telehealth to help reform social care and provide more control to individuals
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System C wins Camp Bastion EPR contract

The Army will use System C’s Medway software for the MoD Medical Treatment Facility at Camp Bastion, the main British
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SCR patient campaign set to restart

Public Information Programmes for the Summary Care Record are to restart before Christmas following a five month suspension.
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Look, no vans

St Helens and Knowsley has seen a rapid return on its investment in an electronic document management system, Sarah Bruce
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St Helens saves £1.2m with EDM

St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has told E-Health Insider that it has realised its £1.2m investment on
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Lansley says GPs to choose on 111

GP consortia will be responsible for commissioning the 111 non-emergency number service, health secretary Andrew Lansley has revealed.
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Lung disease to be remotely monitored

German telehealth company, Aipermon has launched a series of telemonitoring devices that will be used in a trial to explore
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