Coventry ‘sat nav’ sexual health app
- 18 January 2011
NHS Coventry has launched a sexual health app to make local services easier to find.
The ‘sat-nav to services’ app, which cost the primary care trust £4,200 to develop with developer ICE, provides details and locations of sexual health services.
These include where free condoms, access to emergency contraception and STI and pregnancy testing are available. The app also directs the user to the service using GPS.
A spokesperson for NHS Coventry told eHealth Insider that the app, launched last month, has received 260 iPhone downloads and 27 downloads on Android phones.
However, the organisation has stressed that it will be doing a ‘major push’ over the coming months to promote the app among students in particular by attending events such as university freshers’ fairs and buying pay-per-click FaceBook ads.
John Forde, acting director of public health at NHS Coventry, said: “Sexual health is one of the most visited sections on our website and these services are most likely to be used by younger people, who are also the most common users of iPhones and other Smart phones.
According to the trust, it is only the second PCT in England to launch such an app, which includes details of nearby hospitals, GP surgeries, pharmacies and the city walk-in centre.
Forde added: “It seemed appropriate to expand the services included in the app to enable younger people to access the services they need, wherever they are.
“Using the app is easier than logging onto the website and finding the details there. And the use of GPS means users are automatically directed to their nearest service.
"We hope that this will improve access and take up of these services as we work to promote good sexual health.”
Although the PCT has no further plans to develop additional apps, it is exploring whether it can make the current app available for BlackBerry and will upgrade the app to include stop smoking providers in time for Stop Smoking Day.
The app is available from iTunes.