
QoF regime ‘needs robust audit’

Significant variations in the way the Quality and Outcomes Framework is managed mean patients and taxpayers may be losing out,
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BCS: revolution needs clarity and detail

The BCS Chartered Institute for IT has called for “clarity” about the purposes of the Information Revolution and a detailed
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Health still tops internet searches

Searching for health information is the third most common online activity among US internet users, with 80% reporting that they
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DH: CSC ‘unlikely’ to hit new deadline

CSC is unlikely to deliver on the latest remedial plan that is supposed to show how it will complete its
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Phone pics allow prescription refills

The US pharmacy chain Wallgreens has launched an app that allows customers to order prescription refills by taking a photo
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NHS Direct has terrible winter

Some patients calling NHS Direct had to wait more than 24 hours to speak to a nurse during the Christmas
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NAO draws on paper to show inefficiency

The NHS is spending almost £150m a year on printing and stationery, the National Audit Office has discovered in a
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Paris comes to Hertfordshire

Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has awarded a contract to Civica for its Paris IT system.
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EMIS and RX Systems plan integration

Healthcare IT system supplier EMIS has announced plans to integrate its primary care software with the pharmacy software supplied by
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Scotland rolls out security campaign

A campaign with the slogan ‘Security - it’s everyone’s business’ is being run by Health Facilities Scotland.
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