
Police investigate hoax breach warning

Norfolk police are investigating the apparent forgery of a letter claiming that the security systems at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in
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X-prize to tackle hospital admissions

A $3m x-prize competition has been launched by the US Heritage Provider Network to develop a ‘breakthrough’ algorithm that can
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Amor Group builds for Golden Jubilee

Golden Jubilee National Hospital in Clydebank has turned to Scottish company Amor Group for a single records system for cardiac,
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PHCSG warns on secondary data use

Guidance on the use of patient data for secondary purposes has been published by the British Computer Society’s Primary Healthcare
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Call for local QoF frameworks

Failure to set up local versions of the Quality and Outcomes Framework could lead to missed opportunities to improve quality
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Pilgrim seeks efficiency with

Siemens Healthcare has identified the Pilgrim Hospital in Boston, Lincolnshire, as the first European customer for its clinical workflow
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ISoft’s Lorenzo Observations goes mobile

ISoft has launched Lorenzo Smart Solutions Observations on BlackBerry and Windows Phone 7.
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Walton Centre uses Ensemble for BI

The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust is using InterSystems' Ensemble integration engine to join up its IT systems and enhance
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Croydon courts GPs with ordering system

Croydon University Hospital is implementing Sunquest’s Integrated Clinical Environment to provide an electronic ordering system for GPs.
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Doctors 2.0 and You announced

A new conference is to be held in Paris in June to examine how doctors use social media and Web
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