
Government invests £9m in telecare

The Department of Health, Technology Strategy Board and Economic and Social Research will provide universities and businesses across Britain with
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NPfIT failures have left NHS IT “stuck”

A new report by the NHS Confederation has criticised NHS technology for being similar to the “pre-industrial handicraft industry”.
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Ex-Toumaz boss launches Isansys

The former chief executive and co-founder of AIM-listed wireless body monitoring firm Toumaz Technologies has launched a new company focused
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Healey: revolution would need cash

Shadow health secretary John Healey has said it is “largely unlikely” that the aims of the 'information revolution' will be
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1,000 Hannan patients access records

A GP practice has signed up its 1,000th patient for online access to their medical records.
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NHS Choices moves to Google search

NHS Choices has enhanced its search functionality by switching from SharePoint to Google search.
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IHE Connectathon to be held in Pisa

Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise will hold its 11th annual European interoperability testing event, known as the IHE Connectathon, in Pisa,
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Birmingham Children’s signs Agfa deal

Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has signed a £3.5m deal with Agfa Healthcare for a picture archiving and communication
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NHS reform to cost £1.2 billion

Health secretary Andrew Lansley put the cost of the latest reorganisation of the NHS at £1.2 billion over three years
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BCS calls for EPRs within five years

BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, has called for England to follow in the footsteps of the US by ensuring
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