
Revolution hard in tough times – BMA

Delivering the Department of Health’s Information Revolution will be “extremely challenging” within the financial constraints being felt by the NHS,
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Two trusts sign blood tracking deal

Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust and South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust have signed a deal with MSoft
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CQC to use QinetiQ software to mine data

The Care Quality Commission will start piloting intelligent data mining software similar to that used by the intelligence service to
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Info revolution will ‘erode privacy’

Department of Health plans to give patients control of their records will erode patient privacy, a leading medical defence body
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ChemoCare live at Sussex Cancer Network

The Sussex Cancer Network has completed the roll-out of electronic prescribing for adult and paediatric chemotherapy.
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NHS Direct contacts move online

NHS Direct’s online services were used more often than its telephone helpline during the festive season, newly-published statistics show.
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BMA will ‘step up lobbying’ on reforms

Two senior figures at the British Medical Association have said they will step up the organisation's lobbying activity once the
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Business Intelligence 2011

Daloni Carlisle looks at how the latest round of NHS reform and reconfiguration is affecting the BI market.
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Intel and GE launch Care Innovations

Intel and GE have begun operation of their joint venture telehealth company, Care Innovations. The new company will focus telehealth
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NHS trusts report unlawful record views

Freedom of Information requests to NHS trusts across Yorkshire have revealed that a third have caught staff unlawfully accessing private
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