
Twitter founder is the Biz at HIMSS12

Twitter co-founder Biz Stone has told HIMSS12 that people urgently need social tools to help them make sense of “infinite
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US health IT vendors hunt Vegas jackpot

The US health IT community has descended en masse to Las Vegas for the week long Healthcare Information and Management
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Microsoft sheds Health Solutions Group

At HIMSS12 in Las Vegas, Microsoft and GE Healthcare have announced further details of their new joint company – Caradigm
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Lincs trust orders Ascribe ePMA

Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is the latest to order Ascribe’s electronic prescribing and medicines administration system.
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Torbay CCG buys Contract+ for practices

Twenty GP practices in Torquay, Paignton and Brixham are using Contract+ to monitor their QOF performance and improve the management
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