Lincs trust orders Ascribe ePMA
- 23 February 2012

Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is the latest to order Ascribe’s electronic prescribing and medicines administration system.
The trust already uses Ascribe patient administration, emergency care, and pharmacy stock management and clinical screening systems.
In a statement, it said that adding ePMA should reduce medical and administrative errors associated with handwritten notes and improve communication for healthcare teams.
It is also hoping to improve its drug use reporting and to make savings from its drugs budget.
Mike Urwin, clinical director of pharmacy and medicines management, said: “It enables us to implement the ‘closed loop’ of medicines management, allowing us to improve service delivery and improve patient safety.
“By using decision support during prescribing, we can also enable clinicians to make the most informed decision for patients, and implement a solution that can monitor outcomes to improve the care we give to all our patients.”
Peter Wisher, director of diagnostics and therapeutics, said he hoped that the trust’s ongoing partnership with Ascribe would also help it to “better integrate our trust-wide clinical systems”, including those delivered by third-party suppliers.
Stephen Critchlow, the chief executive of Ascribe, said it had “worked with Northern Lincolnshire and Goole for many years”, so it was “delighted it has selected Ascribe to be its partner for its electronic prescribing project.”