
First NHS fine issued by ICO

Aneurin Bevan Health Board has become the first NHS organisation to be fined by the Information Commissioner’s Office following a
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Support services face IT and BI exams

Commissioning support services that want to deliver ‘at scale’ IT support and business intelligence services must pass separate tests from
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Joe’s view: of a four year journey

Joe McDonald reflects on four years as a national clinical director for the National Programme for IT in the NHS,
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Smart Use saves Portsmouth £6.4m

Portsmouth NHS Trust has identified more than £6.4m in savings through better stock control since implementing an inventory management system
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NHS IC collects info on record access

The NHS Information Centre is to collect data on which GP practices are offering patients access to their medical records
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Univ Bristol issues Medway details

University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust migrated 125m records from its old PAS to Medway ahead of its go-live with
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