
Final death knell for HealthSpace

The NHS’ own health organiser, HealthSpace, has been confirmed as an unlikely casualty of the NHS information strategy, published earlier
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ICO fines second trust but faces appeal

The second NHS organisation to be fined by the Information Commissioner’s Office for breaching the Data Protection Act has said
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Buckman attacks reforms and email plans

The British Medical Association’s GP leader has launched a blistering attack on the new Health and Social Care Act, saying
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Power plays

GPs and GP system suppliers have given a luke-warm reaction to the NHS information strategy. Rebecca Todd reports.
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Fate of NPfIT funds “complicated”

In an exclusive interview with eHealth Insider, health minister Earl Howe hinted that capital funding will be available for NHS
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Four TPP practices pilot records access

Four TPP practices are piloting a scheme to provide patients with access to their health records online; but the company’s
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