
HANDI support for apps

A Healthcare App Network for Development and Innovation has been set up by developers, clinicians, and others with an interest
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NHS back to 27 regional offices

Plans for 50 local offices to replace primary care trusts and strategic health authorities have been cut by almost 50%
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Humber confirms Lorenzo go-live

Humber NHS Foundation Trust has confirmed its successful “go-live” with Lorenzo and issued more details about its implementation of the
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Professional development vital for CCIOs

The development of chief clinical information officers has got off to a flying start, but future clinical information leaders will
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London gets 18 expressions of interest

Eighteen organisations have expressed an interest in the massive London patient administration system and electronic patient record tender issued earlier
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TPP is getting appy

TPP has announced a BlackBerry application and an Android app to allow clinicians using SystmOne to access their patient records
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Sunderland builds VNA with Bridgehead

City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust is piloting a vendor neutral archive solution provided by BridgeHead Software and Dell.
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