
CCIO profile: Dr Jack Barker

The clinical director for IT at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust came to IT through research, but is now
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Insider view: Jon Hoeksma

Cerner’s challenge to the decision by two Cambridge trusts to award an eHospital EPR project to Epic looks like sour
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Cerner challenges Cambridge EPR decision

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has been challenged by clinical IT vendor Cerner over its recent eHospital electronic patient
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IT part of mandate for NHS CB

The proposed mandate for the NHS Commissioning Board makes better information and "transparent and integrated IT" one of its 22
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InterSystems on Trak in Scotland

InterSystems has implemented its TrakCare product in five Scottish NHS boards, with clinical functionality due to start rolling out from
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On Trak in Scotland

Within 20 months of signing a contract to provide Scotland with a patient management system, InterSystems had gone live with
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NAO warns more trusts will fail

The National Audit Office has warned that more transparent and consistent plans for dealing with NHS trusts in trouble will
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Mid Yorks moves from Barwick to CaMIS

The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust has chosen to replace its “ageing” Barwick patient administration system with Ascribe’s latest PAS,
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NHS Direct staff ‘work in’ against 111

Nursing and health advisors at NHS Direct are to stage a “work in” today to protest against NHS 111.
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