
Plymouth first with Spine mini services

Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust has on-demand access to the Personal Demographics Service after going live with the InterSystems HealthShare Spine
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Univ Birmingham improves HR with IT

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust has launched an online staff portal - me@QEHB.
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Roche wins Midlands LIMS contract

The Coventry and Warwickshire Pathology Services Network, which involves three Midlands acute trusts, has awarded its laboratory information management system
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Joe’s view: of the new NHS IT arrangements

Joe McDonald contemplates the contents of his kitchen bin, and how they might be a metaphor for NHS IT in
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Plymouth portal encourages tech talk

Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust has developed a portal for employees to discuss investments in clinical technologies.
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HSCIC releases historic prescribing data

The Health and Social Care Information Centre has released the first set of retrospective GP practice-level prescribing data.
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Civica to host Paris in Derbyshire

Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has awarded Civica a five-year contract to supply, deliver and host Paris.
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Bradford creates single point of access

Bradford District Care Trust aims to receive 95% of GP referrals to its acute mental health service electronically through an
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