
Auditors urge CCGs to improve PbR data

Clinical commissioning groups should improve the quality of data used for payments to NHS hospitals by making regular audits and
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South London website hacked

South London Healthcare NHS Trust had to take down it website after it was hacked overnight on Tuesday
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Welsh GP acute unit uses IHR

A new acute GP service developed by Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board will use Individual Health Records from 29
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The way of the dragon

The NHS Wales Informatics Service opened its new labs for EHI reporter Chris Thorne, and outlined its progress to date.
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NHS CB outlines primary care IT split

GP Systems of Choice will continue to be funded and managed at a national level, while responsibility for hardware and
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Amor Group buys Maracis EPR system

Amor Group has purchased Maracis Solutions’ electronic patient record system and relaunched it as ‘Unity Mental Health’.
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PACS/RIS ‘set for two waves of change’

The digital imaging market in England will undergo two waves of change that will benefit trusts looking for innovation at
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