
Ta ra, Lansley

Health secretary Andrew Lansley has been reshuffled to Leader of the House. Lyn Whitfield assesses his impact on the NHS
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CSC signs new deal with DH

CSC and the Department of Health have agreed a new deal that removes CSC’s exclusive rights to be the only
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Lansley out, Hunt in

Andrew Lansley has lost his job as health secretary in a government reshuffle and will become the leader of the
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Spinning a Web

EHI primary care reporter Rebecca Todd speaks to an early adopter of EMIS Web about the system and its use
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CCIO profile: Dr Tony Shannon

Leeds Teaching Hospitals’ chief clinical information officer, Dr Tony Shannon, speaks to Rebecca Todd.
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EMIS Web links GPs to St George’s

Wandsworth GPs have agreed to stream data via EMIS Web to a summary record to be viewed at a new
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Barts brings digi docs into Millennium

Barts Health NHS Trust has bought the OnBase electronic document management system to give staff access to 500,000 scanned, historical
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