
Gutteridge: SNOMED at bed is too hard

Clinicians are not using SNOMED coding to capture information about patients because it is technically too hard, EHI Live 2012
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Poulter says IT key for new DH team

Health minister Dr Dan Poulter has signalled the continued support for NHS IT under its new health secretary in a
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Fiona Caldicott calls for IG name change

The term 'information governance' could be changed to 'clinical governance' as part of encouraging a cultural shift in the NHS
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Farrar: CCIOs are NHS ‘white knights’

The chief executive of the NHS Confederation has argued the health service must make better use of information if it
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Bolton: NHS and SMEs must up their game

The NHS needs to make space for small and medium size IT suppliers – but these same companies need to
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EHI launches EHI Imaging Informatics

EHealth Insider is launching a news and information service dedicated to the emerging discipline of imaging informatics.
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Stevens launches Aura Healthcare

Aura Healthcare, a software firm specialising in portals based on web 2.0 technologies similar to those that underpin Twitter, has
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