
Off the record

A group of well-known privacy campaigners have the GP Extraction Service in their sights. Lis Evenstad reports from the launch
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Enter the CCG

In his regular column for the CCIO Leaders Network, Dr John Lockley turns his attention back to “taming” Choose and
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The power to the people gift rap

Paul Hodgkin, the chief executive of Patient Opinion, discusses gift economies, and how the digital world is making them into
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EHI interview: Andrew Fenton

One of NHS Central Southern CSU’s associated directors believes that commissioning support units can overcome their challenges and deliver for
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Take part in The Big EPR Survey

As part of its The Big EPR Debate, EHI is launching a survey looking at the building blocks of an
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NHS Hack Day presses for free wi-fi

Two thirds of clinicians believe that having access to wi-fi would improve patient care, the first results of an ongoing
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