
Time to dose down

Radiation exposure monitoring will be one of the hot topics at this year’s RSNA conference in Chicago. EHI Imaging Informatics
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Tight timescales for Tech Fund

Suppliers and trusts are concerned that timescales are increasingly tight for spending the first £90m of technology fund money by
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Gateshead takes VNA from Bridgehead

Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust has procured a vendor neutral archive from BridgeHead Software to store images from its picture
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Special report: BI for acute trusts, A&E

Predictions of a winter crisis are gathering faster than the storm clouds that might precipitate one. This is making politicians,
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EHI Interview: Professor Jim Davies

Rebecca Todd talks to the chief technology officer for Genomics England about why the project to link 100,000 genomes to
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‘Tremendous interest’ in genome project

Health care IT suppliers have shown “tremendous interest” in a government project to sequence 100,000 genomes and link these with
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Mid Yorks deploys Ascribe PAS

Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust is live with its CaMIS patient administration system from Ascribe.
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Fiddling with figures a crime

It will become a criminal offence for NHS care providers and senior managers to submit misleading data, under plans released
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3millionlives delivery plan by April

NHS England will publish a 3millionlives delivery plan for 2014-2017 by the end of March next year.
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Surge in SCR uptake

Uptake of Summary Care Records amongst secondary care clinicians has been greater in the past nine months, than in the
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