
NHSBT blood pilot to start in Liverpool

The third of three pilot projects to improve the management of blood products in the NHS will get underway this
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Leicester picks IBM as IT partner

University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust has picked IBM to provide it with IM&T services and to procure and implement
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London PHR event looks for ‘pull’ effect

London Connect is holding an event to encourage the public to get involved with personal health records at the end
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Southern group looks for EDM and portal

A group of three Southern acute trusts hopes to attract central funding to purchase an electronic document management system and
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NICE looks for blue-SCIE thinking

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has awarded a contract to the Social Care Institute for Excellence and
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NHS Direct gives out bug advice

The higher than usual levels of Norovirus over the Christmas and New Year break helped to push up calls and
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Enter the CCG

In the first of a series of columns for eHealth Insider, Dr John Lockley considers how new bodies like clinical
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Power to the people

Paul Hodgkin, the founder and chief executive of Patient Opinion, admits that people aren’t always very nice; and that they
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HEE initiatives support SMEs in NHS

Health Enterprise East is launching an e-learning tool to give small companies and third sector organisations insight into how procurement
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Reforms will weaken IT services – survey

Opinion is divided on the impact of the latest NHS reorganisation on local IT and information services, but many respondents
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