
Lexmark acquires Acuo Technologies

Acuo Technologies has been acquired by Lexmark International and will become part of Perceptive Software.
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Making IT ‘appen

Haidar Samiei and Brad Wilson have developed some really useful medical apps – and a wasteful meetings game. Rebecca Todd
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Business Intelligence: information for commissioning

Information will be crucial for the clinical commissioning groups that will be starting work in just three months’ time. Fiona
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Cards could link exercise and benefits

Councils could use smartcards to link prescribed exercise packages to benefits, a think-tank report on the role of local authorities
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DH runs £5m tech competitions

The Department of Health has announced two competitions for small businesses, with £5m available for ideas to improve the lives
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Hard Times

EHI Primary Care’s latest, exclusive survey of staff working in primary care IT shows that the reforms have been hard;
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Primary care contractor IT plans out

The NHS Commissioning Board will commission access to national IT services for primary care contractors; who will be responsible for
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DH plans to become ‘digital examplar’

The Department of Health has said it wants to become a “digital exemplar in Whitehall” in a plan for doing
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GP IT faces anxious start to 2013

Primary care IT leaders have expressed concern about the late decisions that are being made on who will be responsible
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