
Brighton live and Alert

Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust has gone live with its Alert electronic patient record system in one of
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Wales launches £9.5m health tech fund

The Welsh health minister has announced a £9.5m Health Technology and Telehealth Fund to support the introduction of new technologies
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ESR tender worth £200m – £400m

The Department of Health is tendering for a new Electronic Staff Record, worth £200m - £400m.
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Commissioners get new PCD powers

Commissioners have been given new powers to process ‘necessary’ patient confidential data for invoice validation, following a decision by health
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‘Healthtech startup school’ starts up

The BCS Chartered Institute for IT has teamed up with TechUK to run a healthtech startup school for companies wanting
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Rising star: Cat Grant

A trust head of commercial ICT tells Lis Evenstad how a yellow belt in Thai Boxing got her started in
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SCR uploads and viewings hit record high

Nineteen clinical commissioning groups have hit a 100% upload rate for Summary Care Records.
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Nurse staffing software at North Devon

Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust is deploying a new system to help ensure that staffing levels are always aligned with
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Treasury approves e-referrals spend

EXCLUSIVE: The Choose and Book contract with Atos has been extended for another year while InTechnology builds the new NHS
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Rising star: Angela Partington

A data warehouse system and development analyst at Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, Angela Partington admits her job is “unsexy”
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