
CCIO profile: Sarah Amani

Lis Evenstad talks to the chief clinical information officer of a mental health trust who came to her role by
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Philips launches products at RSNA

Philips has released two new imaging products at the Radiology Society North America 2013 conference in Chicago.
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Structured reporting could save lives

Structured reporting in radiology could save lives, a meeting at the Radiological Society of North America annual conference heard on
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ROI demands delay tech fund

An announcement of allocations from the £260m ‘Safer Hospitals, Safer Wards’ Technology Fund is being delayed by stringent Treasury demands
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GP extract to starts in March

The extraction of GP data as part of the programme will begin from March next year, according to a
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User roadmaps part of GPSoC contracts

GP system user groups are developing roadmaps for system development that suppliers must comply with under the new GP Systems
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Galway manages beds with Aura

Galway University Hospitals in Ireland is piloting a patient flow system from Aura Healthcare in order to manage winter pressures
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Ipswich puts iPads on wards

Clinicians at Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust are using iPads to access patient records at the bedside.
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NHSE calls on trusts to update CDMI data

NHS England has urged trusts to check and update the information in the Clinical Digital Maturity Index developed by EHI
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GPSoC it to ’em

EHI Primary Care editor Rebecca Todd speaks to Kemi Adenubi, the GP Systems of Choice programme director for the Health
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