
3ML pathfinder project put out of misery

The 3millionlives’ pathfinder programme, supposed to deliver 100,000 telehealth users by the end of this year, has been scrapped.
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Ideagen manages Central Manchester docs

Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is using Ideagen software to populate its web-based electronic patient record system with
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Lorenzo trusts plan joint implementation

South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust and George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust plan to jointly implement the requesting and reporting module
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Commissioners to see pathways

A new tool for analysing NHS Pathways data will be available to commissioners next February.
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Concrete CoWs

Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust needed an A&E system, and built one in three months on a Caradigm platform.
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Ade Memoire

Southampton IM&T director Adrian Byrne argues there is a short window of opportunity to create a single, federated identity for
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Another view

Neil Paul has been thinking about the future of GP practice. It needs to change, he argues, and IT needs
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Rising star: Kapil Mepani

Lis Evenstand talks to the IT service desk team leader at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust about its
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Patient safety reporting overhaul

The NHS is developing the National Reporting and Learning System to become an integrated reporting route for patient safety incidents.
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£2m funds innovative health apps

Five apps to encourage people to stay healthy have been developed by small companies, using a £2m government innovation fund.
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