
No deal for Sheffield

Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust will not take CSC’s Lorenzo under the company's interim deal with the Department of Health.
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Freedom song

Breaking Free Online won the ‘best use of social media in healthcare’ category of the EHI Awards 2012 in association
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EHI Awards 2013 open

Entries are now open for the EHI Awards 2013, with new categories to reflect the biggest imperatives facing the NHS
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Wales procures GP data extract tool

NHS Wales is tendering for a data quality system worth up to £5.1m, which will extract data for external organisations.
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Dalton leaves NHS CB for BT health job

The NHS Commissioning Board has announced that its chief operating officer and deputy chief executive, Ian Dalton, will be leaving
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South London Healthcare dissolved

South London Healthcare NHS Trust will be dissolved by October this year, but its impending closure will not upset plans
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Cornish DR rooms equipped by Agfa

Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust has created two direct radiography rooms using technology from Agfa HealthCare.
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Directors of information for regions

The NHS Commissioning Board is appointing four regional directors of patients and information.
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EMIS supports risk profiling

EMIS IQ is providing data extracts for risk profiling in Oldham, London and Leicester and working to reintegrate risk scores
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Lorenzo offer clinches fourth trust

CSC has won its fourth trust under the government’s interim agreement with the company.
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