
Better info needed for Francis response

NHS trusts may be struggling to obtain the information they need to respond effectively to the Francis Inquiry, the Nuffield
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NHS will be dependent on EHRs – Hunt

The health service will become “totally dependent” on electronic health records over the next five years, health secretary Jeremy Hunt
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CCIO profile: Dr Brendan O’Brien

The consultant clinical informatics specialist for Northern Ireland’s Health and Social Care Board has a lot on as he works
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Teenager wins hack day award

An early warning score app created by a 16 year-old won ‘best app for improving clinicians’ lives’ at NHS Hack
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CQC highlights record access problems

Princess Royal University Hospital in Bromley must urgently address problems with access to medical records, England's chief inspector of hospitals
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HSCIC strategy focuses on integration

The Health and Social Care Information Centre’s strategy for 2013-15 puts a new emphasis on the need to support integration
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