
Unison moves towards pay ballot

Unison has agreed to put an emergency motion calling for a ballot on industrial action to its annual health conference,
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Tech city, Dundalk style

Lis Evenstad visits a smart block of flats in Ireland that may be a prototype living environment for the elderly
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HSCIC publishes data audit

The Health and Social Care Information Centre approved 459 data releases to 160 organisations between April and December last year,
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Cabinet Office agrees one year XP deal

The government has signed a deal with Microsoft to provide Windows XP support and security updates for the entire public
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Plans for ÂŁ230m GP IT spend released

NHS England has released its plans for how more than ÂŁ230m in GP IT funding will be spent over the
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Patient Online accelerates

Around 25 accelerator sites and ten digital champions are being recruited as part of NHS England’s Patient Online programme to
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Birmingham develops benchmark tool

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust has helped to create an international hospital benchmarking tool to understand variations in healthcare
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Mental health trust opts for Lorenzo

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust will be the first mental health trust to take the Lorenzo electronic patient record
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Game on for patient online

There hasn’t been much news about new, online services for patients recently. But Dr Peter Short from the HSCIC tells
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