
Kelsey: 2020 is a ‘hard stop’

The deadline in the National Information Board’s new IT strategy for all patient and care records to be digital by
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Sharing the pain

Legal issues, information governance, patient consent; the barriers to information sharing are legion. Good job CCIOs are committed to getting
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Into the light

Can IT experts lead transformation projects. Of course they can; they just need to leave their nice, dark rooms, the
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Physicians must lead IT – Kaiser chief

Clinicians must become leaders in the IT revolution if it is to become a success, the head of US healthcare
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NHS wi-fi access ‘up, but not by enough’

A rise in the number of healthcare staff who have wireless internet access is “good but not good enough”, according
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Tweet talk

EHI Live visitors queued up for selfies with Dr Ranj; and then headed down to the Social Media Village to
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Contracts signed for lot 2 of GPSoC

Thirty suppliers have signed contracts for lot two of the new GP Systems of Choice framework, the Health and Social
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Royal College backs eRedbook

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has endorsed the digital version of the ‘red book’ that is given
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Doing what it says on the tin

How to be an effective commissioner and how to make good use of business intelligence were key themes at the
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Framework for debate

Speakers at EHI Live 2014 were promising big things from the National Information Board’s IT strategy, due out this week.
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