Archive pilots to be chosen ‘shortly’

Between two and four clinical commissioning groups will be selected "in the coming weeks" to begin the pathfinder stage of
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PKB will add genomics to records

Patients Know Best has formed a partnership with Tute Genomics to create genomic profiles for patients as part of their
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Health CIO profile: Thomas Poulter

The IM&T director at Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust is revamping its IT ahead of a move to a
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Break down information silos – Poulter

Breaking down information silos between different health providers is essential if the government is to successfully join up health and
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Apple tightens health data rules

Apple has tightened privacy rules for developers collecting data from apps using its new HealthKit platform as it launches a
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Apple bites into wearables

Apple has launched its first wearable device. Sam Sachdeva asks what this could mean for the wearable tech market and
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Special report: systems integration/portals

Two rounds of tech fund money have boosted interest in portals. Jennifer Trueman reports.
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NIB strategy due ‘later this year’

The National Information Board is set to release its long awaited informatics strategy later this year, outlining a ten-year plan
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Glasgow works with Emis on child health

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has implemented a bespoke version of Emis Web to build a single shared child health
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IT strategy to save Morecambe Bay £35m

University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust could save £35m over the next five years thanks to its IT
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