
Norfolk live with e-prescribing

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust has rolled out e-prescribing on two wards in a phased deployment which will cover
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Five trusts seek joint pathology service

A group of five NHS foundation trusts is looking to jointly procure a region-wide integrated pathology service.
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220 applications to Nursing Tech Fund

NHS England has received more than 220 applications from 140 trusts for the first round of the Nursing Technology Fund.
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Five CCGs switch CSU

Five Norfolk and Waveney clinical commissioning groups are switching to use a London commissioning support unit from April.
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Treasury approves £168m for NHSmail2

A tender for NHSmail2 is due out this month following Treasury approval for £168m in funding to transition to a
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Tech fund money claimed retrospectively

NHS trusts can claim funding from the ‘Safer Hospitals, Safer Wards: Technology Fund’ for money spent on their projects since
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Crisis of confidence in – RCGP

The Royal College of General Practitioners has called on NHS England to provide urgent reassurance about the safeguards surrounding its
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TrakCare across two thirds of Scotland

More than two thirds of Scotland’s population is now covered by a patient management system from InterSystems.
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Hunt predicts US-UK ‘single market’

A memorandum of understanding signed by the US and UK will help to create the world’s largest single market for
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Enter the CCG: on a real p souper

John Lockley, the clinical lead for informatics at Bedfordshire CCG, reflects on how he and his organisation managed to get
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