
Liverpool trusts in £70m EPR tender

Three Liverpool trusts are jointly procuring a new, integrated electronic patient record system, worth up to £70m, to help them
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Midlands CSUs merge

NHS Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit and NHS Arden CSU have announced plans for a merger.
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Perinatal Institute launches MiApp

The Perinatal Institute is piloting an online pregnancy record, developed with Patients Know Best, to give women improved access to
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Commemorating: Professor Rick Jones

This year’s Healthcare IT Champion of the Year sadly passed away just before voting started. Sam Sachdeva talked to those
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Special report: electronic document management

Trusts pursuing a paperless or paper-lite agenda are adding electronic document management strategies to their electronic patient record plans. Paul
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2020 vision

The latest “framework” for NHS IT has received a cautious welcome. Now analysts, trusts and suppliers want more detail; and
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App kitemarking welcomed; but needs work

The National Information Board’s plans to establish “kitemarking” for healthcare applications have been cautiously welcomed by the app development community,
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Surgery outcomes data published on MyNHS

NHS England has published the latest surgery outcomes data for ten specialties and will release information on three more soon
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Another view: of support chat

Dr Neil Paul wonders if GP practices could learn from the modern support tools used by companies; and suggests that
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Data breaches ‘should lead to jail time’

Leading privacy watchdog Big Brother Watch has called for tougher penalties for breaches of the Data Protection Act, arguing that
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