
NI trust is pleased with its PODs

South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust has opened two performance optimised data centres to run its IT operations and
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Three IDCR exemplars named

NHS England has announced the three exemplars in digital care record integration, and confirmed that the next round of the
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Pennine Care live with Paris on tablets

Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust is rolling out its Paris electronic patient record system, with mobile access as a key
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GPs doing well on data protection – ICO

Most GP surgeries have good patient data protection schemes in place, but email and USB security and breach reporting could
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Patient identifiable information extracted as part of will not be available via Section 251 requests while NHS England establishes
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Power to the people

Paul Hodgkin, the founder and chair of Patient Opinion, looks at the tension between big data and big voice; and
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Notts docs tracked by Wayward ‘sat nav’

Doctors at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust are being tracked by ‘sat nav’ to identify efficiencies and improve patient care.
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Cerner live at Whipps Cross

Whipps Cross University Hospital has gone live with Cerner’s FirstNet in A&E and will deploy further functionality in the spring.
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Hull creates real-time A&E waits app

Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust has created a first of kind app which shows patients real-time A&E and
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East Kent uses Bloodhound on iPods

Staff at East Kent University NHS Foundation Trust will use Apple iPods at the bedside to match patients with blood
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