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Hospital at Night at Portsmouth


In 2014, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust introduced Nervecentre’s mobile-enabled Hospital at Night to improve out of hours care for patients.

Ward nurses requiring support now enter a request into the online software. Hospital at Night co-ordinators receive the request via a PC or tablet, triage it for urgency, and then assign it to a relevant doctor, nurse or technician.

The clinician receives the request electronically, and clicks once it is complete, providing an accurate view of what is happening across the hospital over time.

Since the system was introduced, it has generated £140,000 in cost savings and increased productivity. It is expected to generate cost savings and increased productivity of £213,000 in 2015, and so deliver a return on the trust’s initial, £170,000 investment in two years.

The trust also won the EHI Award 2015 for ‘the best use of IT to support patient safety’ for being able to demonstrate measurable safety improvements.

This case study from Nervecentre explains in detail the challenge faced by the trust, how it addressed it, and what the benefits have been. It also talks to senior clinicians, who explain how it has enabled them to make the case for workforce changes, and how they hope to make further use of the system.

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Case study c. Nervecentre Software.
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