
The long Read

Read Codes are to be phased out across the NHS, and SNOMED CT must be used in primary care systems
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Hunt approves HSCN: N3 replacement

An integrated Health and Social Care Network to replace the NHS' N3 network has had its outline business case approved
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Bryant: ten key points from EHI Live

NHS England director of digital technology, Beverley Bryant, has updated visitors to EHI Live 2015 on the commissioning board's bid
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Code4Health interoperability site launch

A Code4Health community focusing on interoperability has been launched today at the EHI Live 2015 conference in Birmingham.
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Mental Health CDMI open for validation

Digital Health Intelligence has launched a clinical digital maturity index for mental health trusts and is now inviting these organisations
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NHS IT leaders say ‘paperless’ possible

Two-thirds of NHS IT leaders say they are confident their organisation can meet the goal to become paper-light by the
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App endorsement: 50% chance of success

The NHS endorsement model for healthcare apps, which is meant to replace the NHS Apps Library, has a 50% chance
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GP suppliers working on access target

Functionality to allow patients to view their detailed, coded GP record online is available in more than half of England’s
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Kelsey: lives ‘ruined’ by lack of data

People's lives are being “ruined” by the NHS' inability to join up patient information, Tim Kelsey has argued in a
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Treasury asked for £3-5 bn NHS tech fund

The Treasury is being asked for up to £5.6 billion to support the NHS’ technology ambitions, as part of the
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