
Interview: Tracey Watson and Tracey Grainger

It’s all change for primary care IT suppliers, commissioners, and users. Rebecca Todd talks to two of NHS England’s primary
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First GPSoC integrations live

Two subsidiary GP systems suppliers have integrated their systems with those of principal suppliers for the first time under the
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Special report: Data storage / vendor neutral archiving

Vendor neutral archives tend to be associated with digital imaging. But with the appropriate standards, they can be used for
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Record sharing: TPP and Emis integrate

England’s two major GP clinical system suppliers are about to begin trialling a direct integration between their systems so GPs
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Pharmacy fined for selling patient data

An online pharmacy part-owned by Emis Health faces a £130,000 fine after it sold customer details to a direct marketing
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English hospital live with InterSystems

InterSystems’ electronic patient record system TrakCare has gone live in an English NHS trust for the first time with the
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Electronic observations at Southampton

Paper patient charts will be replaced by iPod Touch devices when a new electronic observations system is introduced in Southampton
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Croydon improves safety with VitalPAC

This case study from The Learning Clinic outlines how Croydon Health Services NHS Trust has improved the timeliness of patient
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EPR delayed by data migration problems

Referral to treatment data migration problems have forced North Bristol NHS Trust to delay the go-live of its Lorenzo electronic
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CSC urges trusts off ‘ancient’ PAS

Trust board papers suggest that healthcare computing company CSC is looking to halt support for one of its oldest patient
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