
Spending review ‘must find NHS cash’

The NHS needs a cash injection now, a transformation fund to support change, and a long-term review of its funding
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Hit the road, map

Clinical commissioning groups were unexpectedly given responsibility for leading the NHS’ digital ambitions at the NHS Expo. Rebecca McBeth considers
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Leeds leads the way on shared records

The Leeds Care Record is live in all but one of the region’s GP practices, as well as in acute,
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National PACS exit on track

Trusts that still need to exit national digital imaging contracts are on track to do so by June 2016, according
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Cambridge chief exec resigns

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust’s chief executive has resigned amidst a growing financial deficit and "significant performance and quality
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Enter the CCG: says thanks

Dr John Lockley argues that it’s not enough for user groups to complain and fix. Sometimes they need to acknowledge
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E-obs attack norovirus at Portsmouth

Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust has used an electronic observations system to cut outbreaks of norovirus by more than 90% over
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CCIOs issue Newcastle Declaration

Clinical information leaders from across the NHS have issued a joint declaration calling for interoperability to be recognised as vital
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The biggest winners – obesity challenge

A tool that compares obesity rates nationwide was among the winners of a UK/US competition to creatively use open data
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Joe’s view of choice

Joe McDonald has been to Croatia. Where his yacht lacked the promised wi-fi. Which made him think of his first
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