
Southern trusts paid £27m tech funding

More than £27 million in central funding has been paid to 19 NHS trusts and organisations as part of the
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Nurse Tech Fund benefits evidence scarce

Evidence of the benefits of many Nursing Technology Fund projects is "scarce", a report commissioned by NHS England reveals.
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Special report: Mobile Working on the Wards

Technology that can be used at the bedside to record vital signs and calculate early warning scores was a focus
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Over-budget GPES has no future – NAO

Significant delays to the General Practice Extraction Service have seen costs rise from £14 million to £40 million - and
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Cambridge to use MyChart PHR

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust intends to start giving patients access to the personal health record MyChart by the
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An Epic journey

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is three years on from signing its landmark deal with HP and Epic –
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Another view: of handling demand

Neil Paul is not impressed with the government’s new deal for GPs. Thankfully, some people are working on better ideas
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CQC releases NHS 111 inspection reports

The Care Quality Commission has published plans for regulating and inspecting NHS 111 services, and released reports on three pilot
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Stevens reiterates importance of tech

The use of new technology will play an important part in achieving the £22 billion in efficiency savings that NHS
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Accenture wins NHSmail as crash reported

The Department of Health has announced that consultancy firm Accenture has won a £60 million contract to provide the new
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