
Special report: picture archiving and communications systems

England is coming to the end of the PACS refresh triggered by the end of the National Programme for IT’s
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Newborn screening tech covers England

An IT system to keep track of newborn babies screened for serious genetic conditions has expanded to cover the entirety
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IPP picks CliniSys for new path service

Private provider Integrated Pathology Partnerships has picked CliniSys to help deliver a joined up pathology service for two hospital trusts
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Newham provides full EPS R2 coverage

Newham has become the third clinical commissioning group in the country to make the Electronic Prescription Service Release 2 available
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System C works with Bluespier

System C has formed an alliance with Bluespier to launch a “tightly integrated” theatre management solution for users of its
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Waiting for 2 long

The fate of tech fund 2 has been up in the air since applications closed seven months ago, frustrating trusts
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Put GPs on NHS 111 calls – Hakin

Providers of the NHS 111 telephone service should have GPs on hand to provide clinical advice at peak times, according
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HSCIC starts SUS and Care ID transfer

A “lift and shift” of two key Health and Social Care Information Centre services, moving them in-house, will give the
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Lords call for digital inclusion

The UK should have one minister to advance the country’s digital ambitions, according to a report published by the House
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Buckinghamshire takes Medway for autumn

Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust has chosen System C’s Medway electronic patient record system to replace its existing Cerner Millennium EPR,
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