
Judy Faulkner: Cambridge a success

EXCLUSIVE: Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust will be recognised as the UK reference site for the benefits of hospital
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Hospital stops record scanning

A Birmingham hospital trust has halted plans to scan its entire library of paper patient records.
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Hospital flood destroys paper records

Thousands of paper patient records held at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary have been destroyed after flooding at the hospital.
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Chief tech officer to replace Kelsey

NHS England will recruit a new “chief information and technology officer” to replace Tim Kelsey.
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What is the digital legacy of Tim Kelsey?

As NHS England starts the process of finding a replacement for its director of patients and information, Digital Health News
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Questions asked about £1bn NHS IT fund

The government’s plan to invest £1 billion in new technology for the NHS in England over the next five years
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Dorset plans £20m shared record scheme

Dorset is planning a shared care record scheme worth up to £20 million.
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NHS boost includes £1 billion for IT

Updated: The NHS in England is to have the 'Five Year Forward View' fully funded - and the government is
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Industry view: Does blockchain have a role in digital health?

Aridhia’s chief technology officer, Rodrigo Barnes, explains how the blockchain technology that underpins Bitcoin is being explored for other transactions
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Patient opt-outs actioned by January

Around 700,000 patients who objected to having their identifiable data shared with third parties will have their wishes recognised by
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