
South trusts move forward with SmartCare

Three acute trusts in the South Local Clinical Systems programme are moving ahead with implementation plans for InterSystems’ TrakCare, starting
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NHS 111 caught in onward referrals row

A “serious and urgent analysis” of NHS 111 is needed, the BMA has insisted, despite a row over figures for
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Special report: mobile

Mobility is no longer a ‘nice to have’. It’s essential if the NHS is to meet the demands facing it,
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PAC calls for better NHS cost data

The Commons’ public accounts committee has called for the collection of “consistent and detailed cost data across the NHS” to
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openMaxims CIC approved

Three NHS trusts have officially become the first members of a community interest company to act as “code custodians” for
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Shed light on big data – ethics report

Greater transparency about big data projects in healthcare is crucial if they are to succeed without losing public trust, a
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Enter the CCG on wall washing and sex

Dr John Lockley has a hot tip for washing a wall; and some hotter ideas for spreading ideas about NHS
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The little red (e)book

The ‘red book’ that records a child’s early health progress is one of the best known personal health records; and
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Another view: just do IT

GP Neil Paul says it’s time to stop talking about big data and tech funds and do something useful –
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Cerner completes Siemens purchase

US health IT giant Cerner has completed its £870 million ($1.3 billion) acquisition of Siemens Health Services.
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