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South West commissioners use MI View


The regional NHS Director of Services team, hosted by NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group, and working on behalf of seven CCGs in the South West, needed a way to analyse and interrogate the vast amount of data created by its health economy providers.

After an extensive review of the business intelligence market, it decided that MI View from Total Intelligence would be the best fit. In combination with a database search tool, the system is now providing commissioners with near real-time reports on activity; while an additional upload of postcode information allows ‘hot spots’ to be viewed on a Google map.

The system is also being extended to the out-of-hours service and the local NHS 111 service, while the flexibility of MI View means that additional reports and dashboards for the commissioners can be added as required. This case study from Total Intelligence explains in more detail.

Read the case study

Case study c. Total Intelligence Ltd.
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