
Stevens renews support for wearable tech and data mining

The chief executive of NHS England has put his support behind wearable technology, and said he wants to make sure
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Hunt: IT funds will support ‘Ivy league’ of exemplar trusts

In response to the Wachter review of NHS IT, health secretary Jeremy Hunt has announced there will be two waves
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Wachter: strategic investment in clinical leaders is vital

The much-anticipated review of NHS IT by US 'digital doctor' Robert Wachter says a significant proportion of healthcare IT funding
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Wachter calls for extension to paperless 2020 target

Dr Robert Wachter has said the “unrealistic” paperless 2020 goal should be discarded in his long-awaiting review into the digital
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Hunt reveals instant patient record and excellence centres

Health secretary Jeremy Hunt unveiled plans to “fast track digital excellence” today, including a further round of digital excellence centres
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