
Healthcare IT industry news in brief

This week’s industry round up features a new deal for Emis Health, a link-up between System C and an electronic
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Epic round-up: seven stories worth another read

Articles involving US software company Epic really seem to get our readers going, so we’ve decided to recap our coverage
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Legal view: of thinking small on procurement

Andrew Rankin and Carole Poletti of DAC Beachcroft consider how public procurement rules can help to create opportunities for small
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Surrey and Sussex trust to use PKB with 3,200 IBD patients

Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust is to offer the patient-controlled electronic record Patients Know Best to more than 3,200
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Manchester Care Record adds end-of-life plans

Manchester is incorporating ‘end-of-life’ care plans into its shared records scheme.
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CCG pilots smartphone device to reduce stroke risk

A pilot project in Hounslow aims to reduce stroke risk among patients with the use of AliveCor, a mobile electrocardiogram
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Ade Memoire: feeling appathetic

In one of his occasional columns, Adrian Byrne, Southampton’s director of IT and chair of the Health CIO Network, considers
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E-discharge: standard clinical headings required by Dec

All NHS providers must send digital discharge summaries to GPs using standard clinical headings by December this year, the new
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Hospital transparency league table published

NHS improvement has published a league table of NHS trusts according to their openness and transparency.
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Healthcare IT appointments in brief

This month's round-up covers new chief information officer appointments Lewisham and Greenwich, Sandwell and West Birmingham and Morecambe Bay NHS
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