
Interview: George Freeman

The life sciences minister’s vision is that “every patient is a research patient”. For that to happen, he tells Digital
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Stevens launches innovation ‘test beds’

Seven ‘test bed’ sites for innovations such as remote monitoring and wearable technologies will be announced today by NHS England
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Healthcare IT industry news in brief

This week's round up of industry news includes updates on big RFID tracking and information sharing projects, and trading updates
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‘No smartcard’ Spine apps on way: HSCIC

NHS staff will soon be able to get mobile access to the NHS Spine without the use of a smartcard.
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Oxford develops e-observations system

An electronic patient observations system has been developed and rolled out in Oxford.
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Special report: Data and analysis for commissioning

Central initiatives are driving the use of data and analysis in healthcare. But it is using data to find patients
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Successful mobile working in community healthcare

This white paper from Bittium sets out the case for mobile working in community healthcare, and discusses the technical issues
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Guest column: Bitcoin technology and the NHS

Gareth Baxendale, the head of technology for the NIHR Clinical Research Network, asks: can Bitcoin’s block chain technology revolutionise electronic
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TechUK advises on info sharing

TechUK has produced recommendations for safe and effective information sharing in health and social care.
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Bitcoin tech has role in NHS: Walport

The technology behind the Bitcoin currency has potential application in the NHS, where it could open up new ways to
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