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Camden CCG enables joined-up care by delivering an Integrated Digital Record across health and social care


Orion Health’s Rhapsody Integration Engine and Clinical Portal together with NextGate’s #1 KLAS-rated Enterprise Master Patient Index (EMPI) help deliver joined-up care across both health and social care settings to improve the patient journey, increase safety and efficiency and reduce hospital admissions.

Like many NHS commissioners, NHS Camden CCG faced the challenge of patient information existing in a number of disparate systems across GP practices, acute, mental health, and community trusts plus social care, with no single view available. Established in 2013, the Care Integrated Digital Record (CIDR) project brings together information from many systems to provide an integrated record for use by care givers across the borough.

CIDR is currently actively used by over 1,500 clinicians and as the record is further enriched with phased clinical content this number is expected to grow exponentially. Hasib Aftab, Assistant Director of IT & Systems at Camden CCG, states, “CIDR has been used for over 18 months now and is well proven. Our aims of ensuring our clinicians are well informed with real-time access to detailed patient information, that not only maximises their time but also improves care outcomes, are becoming reality.”

For more information on CIDR, download the full case study.

Read the full case study


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