
Special Report: Interoperability

With just six short months until the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force, much of the NHS’s attention
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CCIO Network chair calls for national CCIO role to be “beefed up”

Three high-calibre clinical leaders have been tipped for the short-list to become the new NHS Chief Clinical Information Officer.
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More than a quarter of acute NHS trusts fail to undertake cyber penetrative tests

28% of acute NHS trusts and 16% of mental health trusts have not undertaken penetrative testing for cyber security in
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Can the road to open platform run alongside closed systems?

I have read with interest the recent blog post by Ewan Davies where he describes the meaning of open platform.
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Consultant Connect hopes to ease winter pressures on A&E departments

A platform which gives GPs the ability to immediately speak to a local specialist is hoping to help ease winter
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