
Study shows digital health is not ‘just for millennials’

If you think that digital health is just the interest of the younger generation then a recent study may prove
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Online workshop to help guide Building a Digital Ready Workforce programme

Health Education England is launching an online workshop to gather views on improving the digital readiness of health and social
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Health Education England launches online workshop on improving digital readiness

Health Education England is launching an online workshop to gather views on digital readiness.
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Hyland seeks to capitalise on machine learning’s potential

Staff from Hyland Software enthused about the potential of machine learning in healthcare as they displayed the firm's new suite
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Leed’ing the way as Britain’s healthcare innovators

Leeds has been recognised as leaders in health innovation and has claimed fifth place overall, second UK Smart Cities Index.
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Emergency motion calls for halt on online consultations

Motion which calls for GPs not to begin introducing online consultations until there is ‘clear evidence’ that it is beneficial
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Boost appeal of healthcare IT to drive standards, says chief security strategist

Making healthcare more exciting to young talent could be key to transforming the industry's relationship with IT, according to Steve
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Mobile health and apps news in brief

This month’s round-up of healthcare apps includes a new 'brisk walking' app created by Public Health England to encourage a healthier
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‘NHS Cyber Security Batsignal’ peer-to-peer alerting system to launch next month

The two chairs of the largest independent communities of NHS digital leaders will launch the ‘NHS Cyber Security Batsignal’, a
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‘Why we need set standards’, explains PRSB chair Maureen Baker

Professional Records Standard Body newly appointed chief exec explains the importance of setting care record standards across the healthcare system.
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