
Special Report: Interoperability

With just six short months until the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force, much of the NHS’s attention
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CCIO Network chair calls for national CCIO role to be “beefed up”

Three high-calibre clinical leaders have been tipped for the short-list to become the new NHS Chief Clinical Information Officer.
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More than a quarter of acute NHS trusts fail to undertake cyber penetrative tests

28% of acute NHS trusts and 16% of mental health trusts have not undertaken penetrative testing for cyber security in
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Can the road to open platform run alongside closed systems?

I have read with interest the recent blog post by Ewan Davies where he describes the meaning of open platform.
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Consultant Connect hopes to ease winter pressures on A&E departments

A platform which gives GPs the ability to immediately speak to a local specialist is hoping to help ease winter
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PCS Speaker profile: Gabriel Voisin on the impact of GDPR

New data protection laws, which will be enforced in May 2018, will be a hot topic at the first Public
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Unified system to improve children’s health goes live in South Central

More than 906,000 children’s public health records from the South Central region of England have been consolidated onto one single
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Digital ready workforce: When the medium is the message

Pete Thomond and Jon Hoeksma tell Digital Health readers why Health Education England's online workshop is a real opportunity for
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PHIN urges private consultants to bring data up-to-scratch

Private practitioners have been urged to update their clinical data as the Private Healthcare Information Network prepares to publish performance
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Machine learning delivers insight into medication’s effects on stroke patients

Researchers say machine learning could offer insight into how individual patients respond to different medication, based on the structure of
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