
The CIO interview: Sonia Patel, London North West Healthcare

Chief information officer at London North West Healthcare NHS Trust, Sonia Patel, has only just begun her role but already
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Smart Infrastructure: Improving healthcare

Infrastructure has traditionally been thought of in terms of solid structures: schools, roads, hospitals, power stations, telecommunications networks and sports
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Video calling service to be launched across all care homes in Liverpool

Care homes across Liverpool will have access to a service allowing staff to video call a hospital when a resident
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Movers and shakers news round-up

This month’s Movers and Shakers round-up features appointments across various health organisations and trusts across the UK.
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Health tech community celebrating women and diversity launches in Ireland

A new branch of One HealthTech, a community championing diversity in health technology, has officially launched in Ireland.
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PRSB echoes call for electronic standards for nurses

The Professional Record Standards Body has echoed NHS Digital's chief nurse Anne Cooper's call for nurses to have a shared
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NHS trust introduces electronic whiteboards to improve patient safety

A teaching hospital in Southampton has started to introduce interactive whiteboards in wards to help improve patient safety.
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Researchers talk up potential of wearable and implantable tech for people with COPD

Health researchers have called for further studies into the potential of smart technology for people living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
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NHS pilot launched to help tackle obesity and Type 2 diabetes

An NHS pilot will see thousands test drive a number of digital platforms which have been designed to tackle obesity
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Joe’s View: On whether it’s time for a Plan B

The value of a Plan B during a sailing trip beset by bad weather makes our CCIO columnist Dr Joe
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