
Leeds credits ‘dramatic’ improvement in patient visibility to Scan4Safety

Barcode technology means patient location can now be tracked in near real-time at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, its associate
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Scottish health board using analytics to cut mental health waiting times

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has managed to reduce waiting times for young patients with mental health problems, using an
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Creating faster, safer A&E services

The Medical Interoperability Gateway (MIG) has helped Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust (QE Gateshead) to increase the speed and accuracy
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NHS trusts fail post-WannaCry cyber security checks

Every NHS trust that has been tested against cybersecurity standards since 2017’s WannaCry attack has failed, NHS Digital has revealed,
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The criminal economics of phishing

As phishing becomes industrialised with its own business model and role-based ecosystem, our cyber security columnist Davey Winder looks at
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NHS Digital seeking de-identification tech for Data Services Platform

NHS Digital is on the lookout for a de-identification solution to help it anonymise the data it collects and handles
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