Lincolnshire STP signs deal with Cambio to help predict demand
- 8 November 2018

A sustainability and transformation Partnership (STP) in Lincolnshire has signed a deal with Cambio Healthcare Systems for real-time dashboards to help forecast capacity and demand.
Cambio will be responsible for delivering a solution based on its PFM (Patient Flow Manager) product and dashboard technology from its partner Beautiful Information.
Data entered in the PFM helps give an instant picture of current demand, capacity, resources and impending problems.
The solution is then designed to identify, from live data, the pressure points in the system. The idea is it makes it easier to proactively respond to any surges in demand.
All health and care organisations in the STP will have a shared view of both the regional and local dashboards.
Sarah Stringer, urgent care programme manager at Lincolnshire STP, said: “With a whole range of indicators in real time we can start to identify critical points, causes and possible surges and take action to rectify before it becomes a major issue.
“This might be to reassign staff to cover other departments or wards or escalate patient discharges. With better visibility of demand, we can start to plan for the unexpected.”
The deal with Cambio forms part of Lincolnshire STP’s surge and escalation plan. This aims to coordinate care across Lincolnshire so all providers can respond quickly and appropriately to changes in demand.
Data gathering is due to start at three trusts before the end of November: United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust, and East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust.
Tina Hanlon, Cambio’s general manager and clinical solutions director, said: “Having a clear, accurate and detailed picture of demand and resources gives a high degree of confidence in the information and ensuing decisions. The opportunity to improve services and reduce costs is huge.”
In a separate story, Cambio recently announced it has been contracted by Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust to develop a digital clinical solution for community and mental healthcare.
Interesting idea but where is primary care and community care. If demand is surging in A&E it usually has surged in primary care a few days earlier. A solution that used day of week, weather, school holidays etc to look at supply and demand predictions would be more interesting than a dashboard showing how busy every where is.
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